Office Hours: Department of Labor and COVID-19


On Wednesday, September 30 at 3:00 PM Eastern, AHCA/NCAL will host an “office hour" to answer your questions about the new Department of Labor coronavirus leave requirements. Our Department of Labor (DOL) consultants from Jackson Lewis, Craig S. Roberts​, Principal and Henry​ Shapiro, Associate, will present an overview and updates to leave requirements in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act impacting long term care. This overview will include the new definition of healthcare workers. After their presentation, the consultants will be available for your questions. Please note, this is not meant to take the place of guidance from your legal counsel.  

No pre-registration is required but you will need to login using your computer or WebEx app as questions will be accepted using the chat function. All lines will be muted.  

Join the WebEX h​ere

  • ​Meeting number (access code): 172 101 3462 
  • Meeting password: Pb3V8xmJJW2