Payroll Based Journal Reminders


As providers prepare​ for the November 14 Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) deadline to submit staffing hours for July 1 – September 30, 2022, they should keep the following three things in mind.  

  • ​Providers should submit their data early and review the staffing reports that are available in CASPER to verify the accuracy and completeness of their submission. If errors are found, providers should correct the data prior to the final submission deadline.  

  • Providers must submit the number of hours each staff member (including agency and contract staff) is paid to work daily. Providers should review Table 1 of the PBJ Manual to ensure that they are reporting hours for all staff that should be reported. Hours should be reported for administrators, assistant administrators, medical directors, nursing staff, therapy staff, etc.  
    • When reporting hours for roles, such as medical directors, be sure to identify the exact hours a physician spends performing medical director activities versus primary care activities. Data reported shall be auditable and able to be verified through either payroll, invoices, and/or tied back to a contract.

  • Providers should utilize the instructions in the employee ID linking file to link an old employee’s ID to a new one in order to maintain the reporting of an employee’s hours through an employee ID change (change of vendor, etc.).  

Providers can email for questions on the PBJ policy and for data specification questions.