PointRight ® Pro 30™ Long Stay Hospitalization and Short Stay Rehospitalization



PointRight ® Pro 30 Long Stay Hospitalization and Short Stay Rehospitalization:
These databooks present short stay rehospitalization rates, and long stay hospitalization rates. The short stay rehospitalization measure is the rate at which all patients who entered Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) from acute hospitals are subsequently rehospitalized during their SNF stay, within 30 days from their admission to the SNF. The long stay hospitalization measure is the rate of hospitalizations per quarter for all long stay residents in the SNF at the start of the quarter, averaged over four quarters. They each provide the actual, expected, and risk-adjusted rehospitalization and hospitalization rates.

​Analysis Tips:

  • When comparing the rehospitalization performances of two facilities, their adjusted rated should be used.
  • When assessing changes over time in a single facility’s performance, the actual rate usually is more useful.
  • ​Please refer to the rehospitalizati​on help doc and the hospitalization help doc for more details.


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