April 2023 is Care Workers Recognition Month

Programs and Resources; Workforce

U.S. President Joe Biden designated April as Care Workers Recognition Month. In the President’s proclamation, he noted that “care workers help raise our children, assist seniors as they age with dignity, and support people with disabilities — giving families peace of mind and making it possible for millions of Americans to earn a paycheck while their loved ones are safe and secure.” He also noted the Administration’s promotion of the use of apprenticeship programs “to recruit, train, and keep long-term care workers on the job while also helping them advance their careers as registered and licensed nurses.” 
AHCA/NCAL has partnered with Equus Workforce Solutions to offer long term care apprenticeship programs. The goal is to get more people engaged in the long term care profession as it battles historic staffing shortages. The AHCA/NCAL and Equus collaboration will help to support the development and expansion of Registered Apprenticeship Programs that can potentially impact our long term care provider members and those they serve in the future. You can learn more on apprenticeships via this AHCA/NCAL webinar offering. ​