CMS Provides New SNF QRP Training Resources – Job Aids and Pocket Guides

Last week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new resources for SNF providers. Seven job aids were provided to aid in proper coding of seven MDS section GG self-care items, and three pocket guides were provided to aid in proper coding of all self care, mobility, falls, and pressure ulcers/injuries staging.     


Job Aids – CMS is offering companion job aids to assist providers in the assessment and coding of GG0130A. Eating, GG0130B. Oral Hygiene, GG0130C. Toileting Hygiene, GG0130E. Shower/Bathe Self, GG0130F. Upper Body Dressing, GG0130G. Lower Body Dressing, and GG0130H. Putting On/Taking Off Footwear. The job aids provide clinically relevant information to assist providers in understanding specific guidelines and clinical considerations that should be applied to coding GG0130. Self-Care items. 

Quick Assessment Reference Pocket Guides / Badge Buddies for Coding – CMS is offering Pocket Guides to assist providers in assessing and coding self-care and mobility, falls, and pressure ulcers/injuries. The pocket guides provide a quick reference for important terms and definitions that promote coding accuracy. The pocket guides are approximately 2 x 3.5 inches in size and are designed to be worn behind a provider identification badge. 

The pocket guides cover the following topics: 

  • Pocket Guide #1: Coding for Self-Care and Mobility Items.  
  • Pocket Guide #2: Definitions for Coding Section J Fall Items.  
  • Pocket Guide #3: Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Stages and Definitions. 

If you have questions about accessing the resources or feedback regarding these resources, please email the PAC Training Mailbox. Content-related questions should be submitted to the SNF QRP Help Desk