The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is conducting a
webinar for Medicare Part A providers and entities that file cost reports for providers on
Wednesday, February 14 from 1–2:30 pm ET. This webinar will discuss new and upcoming functionality for Medicare Part A cost reports in the Medicare Cost Report E-Filing (MCReF) system including how to:
- Download provider and statistical reimbursement summary reports
- Use optional electronic cost report exhibit templates to get immediate feedback about potential issues, along with faster acceptance and tentative settlement. New exhibit templates include:
- Medicare bad debt listing
- Medicaid eligible days
- Charity care charges
- Total bad debt
Registration is required for this webinar. Providers may send questions in advance to with “MCReF Webinar” in the subject line. CMS intends to answer these questions during the webinar or use them to develop educational materials.