HealthCap® and the American Health Care Association offer a free webinar highlighting best practices for reducing risks related to federal health care fraud oversight that provided the latest information about enforcement actions that impact skilled nursing facility providers on the regulatory, civil and criminal levels. The 75-minute session recording is titled
Health Care Fraud: Utilize Best Practices to Reduce Your Risk.
The information provided during this session is aggregated and summarized for utilization by members in at least two advantageous ways, including but not limited to: (1) effective and rationally based prioritization of QAPI and corporate compliance agendas, activities and plans; and (2) substantive development of educational programs for staff and contracted providers with an emphasis on focus areas.
Speakers include Angie Szumlinski, Director of HealthCap’s Risk Management Services; and John Paul Hessburg and Andrea DeLand, attorneys with The Kitch Firm.
AHCA/NCAL has embraced
HealthCap® for more than a decade as a premier provider of liability insurance that is solely dedicated to serving senior care communities. HealthCap® clients have the fewest liability claims in the industry, and HealthCap settles claims below the industry average. One of the reasons HealthCap gets such great results is its focus on quality care as the foundation of good risk management practices and
robust risk management resources.