Important QIP HHS FAQs

COVID-19; Provider Relief Fund
​​​AHCA is flagging two ​U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) FAQs relating to the Quality Incentive Program (QIP). Be sure to also check out the AHCA/NCAL provider relief fund and QIP website that has helpful information and resources.
  • ​Will HHS allow providers to make corrections to the data used to determine Targeted Distribution eligibility and payment amounts? (Added 10/28/2020) Going forward, HHS will allow providers that submitted data as part of the COVID-19 High Impact Area Distribution and/or the Nursing Home Infection Control/Quality Incentive Payment Distribution, a limited opportunity to submit corrected data for up to 5 business days after the submission deadline. HHS will only accept corrections within the 5-day time period that are accompanied by a justification for why the provider erred in the initial data submission. HHS will review each request for correction on a case-by-case basis and may determine that a previous payment be amended to align with the updated data. Providers who submit updated data may have their payments delayed for up to 90 days from the date of submission pending review and adjudication. All HHS decisions are final and there is no appeals process.

  • ​How is the infection gateway calculated for determining eligibility for Quality Incentive Program payments under the Nursing Home Infection Control Distribution? (Added 12/28/2020) The infection gateway criterion specifically excludes facilities that are found to have an infection rate exceeding the estimated infection rate in their county during the performance period. County infection rates are measured using daily COVID-19 community profile reports (CPRs) disseminated under the HHS Protect data program. CPRs contain information on the rate of COVID-19 infections for all residents in each county. County infection rates are not the same as county positivity rates.