Provider Relief Fund Reporting Requirements Office Hours


On Friday, October 2 at 3:00 pm ​​​Eastern, AHCA/NCAL will host an “office hour” to provide up-to-date answers to your questions about provider relief fund reporting requirements based upon available information and interpretation. To date, HHS only has released six pages of guidance and we await a reporting template, HHS case examples, and webinar trainings.  HHS continues to update these requirements, resulting in confusion about what is expected of providers. Mike Cheek, SVP of Reimbursement Policy, will provide an updated overview of the requirements and answer your questions. Please note, further updates and revisions to the requirements are expected to continue to be made. 

No pre-registration is required but you will need to login using your computer or WebEx application as all questions will be accepted using the chat function. All lines will be muted. 

Provider Relief Fund Reporting Requirements Office Hours 
Friday, Oct 2, 2020 3:00 pm | 1 hour | Eastern Time  
Meeting number: 172 413 7902 
Password: 4TifsHQTy77 

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