Affordable Infection Prevention Basics Training for Your Staff

Programs and Resources; Emergency Preparedness

​ahcancalED​ offers a 50-minute training on the basics of effective infection prevention and control suitable for all levels of staff members in skilled nursing, assisted living, and ID/DD facilities. 

  • ​Describes what COVID-19 is, how it spreads and who is most at risk 
  • Identifies the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and other variants 
  • Explains staff members’ roles in reporting suspicions of respiratory illnesses 
  • Discusses key considerations for “return to work”  
  • Reviews the universal basics of essential infection prevention and control practices 
  • Addresses common PPE and handwashing errors 

This course is a vital tool in a comprehensive infection prevention and control program. No CEs are offered with this course.  

  • ​Individual Course Fees: $25 for AHCA/NCAL members and $65 for non-members. 
  • AHCA/NCAL Member Only One-Year Facility Subscription Fee: $500 (Facilities will use one individual's login to access the material throughout the year that may viewed individually or in small groups as part of staff in-service trainings.)    

Individuals will need to login to ahcancalED with their AHCA/NCAL usernames and passwords to register. For assistance obtaining usernames and passwords, members should e-mail with their name and facility contact information.