June has shaped up to be a busy month. With AHCA/NCAL members coming to Congressional Briefing June 5-6 in Washington, DC more than 500 advocates went to the Hill and had 200 Congressional office visits. Following Congressional Briefing, AHCA/NCAL Partners Advancing Post Acute Care meetings took place in Washington, DC.
During these events, the Association has been awaiting the release of the minimum staffing rule and anticipation is building as CMS has passed its spring deadline. AHCA/NCAL is preparing a grassroots campaign set to start immediately after the rule is released. The campaign will last 60 days and will require the help of all AHCA/NCAL members to submit comments on the proposed rule. The goal is to have 10,000 comments submitted. Specific instructions on submitting comments will be posted on the Association’s website.
AHCA/NCAL is also offering individual company webinars with Mark Parkinson, President & CEO, and Matthew Smyth, Senior Director of Grassroots, on the details of submitting comments. If you are interested in hosting a webinar for your company, please email
Matthew Smyth or call, 202-898-2817.