Webinar: Learn About the Changes Coming to the Revamped CDC Website

CDC; Webinars; Programs and Resources

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will soon launch an updated website as part of its Digital Communication Modernization and Clean Slate initiatives. These initiatives are a direct result of the agency-wide effort to modernize and transform digital communication at the CDC with a goal of improving communication to all audiences. The new site is set to go live Spring 2024, and while most of CDC’s new content will be available at launch, some content will return in phases as it is improved. Note that not all web pages will be affected when the new site officially launches. The new CDC.gov will be a streamlined site that provides the public and partners with clear, up-to-date information every day, and especially during emergencies.  
Before the new website launches, the CDC is inviting partners to preview and provide feedback on a subset of test pages. The beta pages will be available from February 28 through March 29, 2024. This beta site will feature selected topics, offering a sneak peek into what's coming once the website is officially launched in the coming months. User feedback is valuable in helping the CDC improve their website and successfully launch the new CDC.gov.  
Attend a webinar on Friday, March 1 at 1 p.m. ET to learn about the upcoming site changes, how these changes impact partners, the benefits of the new site, and how to share feedback or get technical assistance during the beta period. 

The CDC provided an FAQ document​, which has further information regarding the updated site and beta preview.